In order to vote absentee, a voter must complete an Absentee Ballot Application.
A voter may obtain an Absentee Ballot Application in any of the following ways:
Emergency Absentee Ballot Applications can be requested after the regular absentee deadline but must be before 5:00 p.m. on the day before the election if the voter:
Applications can be made by a voter who has a medical emergency requiring treatment from a licensed physician within 5 days of an election. During that 5 day period, the medical emergency absentee ballot application and the voted absentee ballot must be returned no later than noon on the day the election is held. The medical emergency absentee ballot application requires that the attending physician describe and certify the circumstances as constituting an emergency. The voter may designate someone to turn in the medical emergency absentee ballot application, receive the absentee ballot on behalf of the voter, and return the voted absentee ballot to the Absentee Election Manager on behalf of the voter.
Absentee Ballot Applications and Voted Absentee Ballots may be returned either in person by the person whose name appears on such materials OR by mail.
*** NOTE - Absentee Ballot Applications and Voted Ballots returned by mail are only be accepted if returned ONE per envelope. ***
*** NOTE – Only the voter him/herself may return the Absentee Ballot Application and Voted Absentee Ballot. The Absentee Election Manager will require the voter to present an acceptable form of identification. ***
The absentee ballot comes with 3 envelopes -- one plain (the secrecy envelope), one with an affidavit, or oath, printed on the outside, and one plain pre-addressed envelope, (the outer envelope). Once the voter casts the ballot, the procedure is as follows:
An absentee ballot cannot be counted unless the affidavit is notarized or has the signatures of two witnesses.
The voter has only the following legal ways to return the absentee ballot:
An absentee ballot returned by mail must be postmarked no later than the day prior to the election and received by the Absentee Election Manager no later than noon on Election Day. If hand-delivered, the ballot must be in the office of the Absentee Election Manager by the close of business (but no later than 5 p.m.) on the day prior to the election.