All degree, certificate, or non-degree-seeking students must submit a nonrefundable application fee to the University before the application is processed. Visit UNC Greensboro's Graduate Admissions for any additional requirements. Note that some programs may specify additional material (e.g. portfolio, auditions, test scores).
Admission into a UNCG graduate degree or certificate program is a process shared by the Graduate School and the graduate program. To be considered for graduate admission, applicants must meet the requirements of the Graduate School and of the graduate program.
Faculty in the graduate programs recommend students for admission to the Graduate School after they have assessed each prospective graduate student’s potential. Programs have significant discretion in determining admission standards and class size based on factors such as availability of academic mentors, financial support, laboratory space, and student distribution within interest areas.
Neither an academic record exceeding minimum requirements, nor satisfactory scores on standardized tests, nor professional expertise alone will assure an applicant’s admission in this competitive environment. Rather, the overall record must indicate the strong likelihood that a prospective student will complete graduate study successfully.
Each application to the Graduate School will result in one admission decision. Offers of admission are not official until approved by the Dean of the Graduate School. Official admission decisions are communicated to applicants by email from the Dean of the Graduate School. Prospective students can view the status of the admission application online at the application portal. Click “Manage Your Account” and then “View All Forms.”
UNCG has staff who are charged with international recruitment. Additionally, UNCG uses independent contractors in the recruitment of international students. Agreements between Independent Recruiting Agencies and UNC Greensboro include a statement under the Contractor Responsibilities section that the Contractor shall “Recruit students with requisite academic qualifications who meet or exceed the university’s admission requirements.” UNCG provides those requirements in written materials, such as the UNCG Catalog, and in training sessions conducted by the Global Engagement Office. The Graduate School Office of Admission has no direct contact with independent recruiting agencies. Students recruited by any means are shown no favoritism in the admissions process. This information is withheld from programs as they evaluate applicants. The only reason this information is collected is to analyze the efficacy of recruitment efforts.
Successful applicants are offered admission for a specific program in a specific term.
If degree is in progress:
If degree(s) have been awarded:
The Graduate School reserves the right to verify the accuracy and authenticity of the educational documents submitted.
Credentials or supporting materials submitted for admission to the Graduate School become the property of the University and are not returned. No copies will be provided to third parties outside the University except when compelled by legal authority. Copies will, however, be provided to appropriate offices at the University in the interest of academic matters or financial awards relative to the applicant. Applications and supporting documents are retained according to the retention policies of the state of North Carolina.
Admission into a UNCG graduate degree or certificate program is a process shared by the Graduate School and the graduate program. To be considered for graduate admission, applicants must meet the requirements of the Graduate School and of the graduate program.
Faculty in the graduate programs recommend students for admission to the Graduate School after they have assessed each prospective graduate student’s potential. Programs have significant discretion in determining admission standards and class size based on factors such as availability of academic mentors, financial support, laboratory space, and student distribution within interest areas.
Neither an academic record exceeding minimum requirements, nor satisfactory scores on standardized tests, nor professional expertise alone will assure an applicant’s admission in this competitive environment. Rather, the overall record must indicate the strong likelihood that a prospective student will complete graduate study successfully.
Each application to the Graduate School will result in one admission decision. Offers of admission are not official until approved by the Dean of the Graduate School. Official admission decisions are communicated to applicants by email from the Dean of the Graduate School. These decisions are final and not subject to appeal. Prospective students can view the status of the admission application online at the application portal. Click “Manage Your Account” and then “View All Forms.” If the admitted applicant does not give their intent to enroll by the specified deadline and register for the term specified in the admission letter, the offer of admission will be canceled. Applicants will need to submit a new application, which is subject to all application deadlines and application fees.
Students' continued enrollment at UNC Greensboro is contingent upon completion of the following items.
UNCG accepts the following methods of demonstrating English proficiency:
**ELPs must not be more than 2 years old from the date of application submission.
For I-20 and DS 2019 issuance, as required by USCIS, international applicants must show evidence of sufficient funds, for a minimum of one year, to support one’s education and living expenses while at UNCG. Financial forms may be downloaded from within the graduate application or on the Global Engagement Office webpage at
Departments/programs may require additional transcripts.
Students are prohibited from pursuing multiple degree programs at the same time.
Non-degree students who wish to take graduate-level courses (courses numbered 500 – 749 * ) must have earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university and must apply through the Graduate School. The Graduate School does not admit an individual as a non-degree student (as if they were in a program). Instead, approved non-degree students will receive notice from the Graduate School that they may register for classes. Visiting students are restricted from registering for any course that is not on a program’s list of approved courses.
Non-degree students who wish to take undergraduate-level courses (courses numbered 100-499) must apply through undergraduate admissions, even if they have previously earned an undergraduate degree
Non-degree seeking students must submit a new application for each semester in which they wish to enroll. A non-refundable fee is charged each time a non-degree seeking application is submitted. An undergraduate transcript(s) from the degree-granting institution is required with the initial application. The transcript is kept on file for any subsequent applications and will only need to be submitted once.
Non-degree students who are permitted to enroll for graduate courses may take courses numbered 500 –749 that have not been restricted by the departments. With the instructor’s approval, non-degree seeking students may submit a written petition to the Graduate Program Director or the Department Head to enroll in a restricted course; however, independent study is reserved for only degree seeking students.
To pursue a degree at any time, a non-degree student must formally apply for admission to the Graduate School. If the student meets all Graduate School and program standards and is granted admission, a maximum of nine (9) credits earned while in non-degree status may be applied to an academic degree program; three (3) credits may be applied towards a certificate program. Credit earned must fall within the timeline for completing the degree or certificate.
Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for financial aid.
Visiting students are not permitted to enroll in courses numbered 750 or higher.
Public school teachers and administrators who wish to take courses solely for licensure renewal credit may do so as non-degree seeking students. Students who meet all requirements for admission as a graduate degree student will also receive the licensure renewal credit.
If credit is to be applied to a graduate degree, the student must submit an application to the Graduate School before the completion of the course.
The University Catalog is the publication that documents all academic policies, regulations, and program requirements for a given academic year for all students and programs.
A student's catalog year identifies the set of curriculum requirements and regulations for program completion. The catalog year is established for the individual student upon declaration or change of the program.
A student may change a catalog year without a change of program or minor only to a more recent catalog. The student may request this change formally through their department.
Any student who has been inactivated must reapply for admission to the University. If admitted, the student will be assigned to the catalog requirements for the program in effect for the re-admit term.
A student who is dismissed for academic reasons will be eligible to submit a new application after two semesters or the equivalent and may be admitted only upon the recommendation of the major department head or Graduate Program Director and with the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School. While on academic dismissal, students are not eligible to take courses as a non-degree seeking student.
An Accelerated Master’s Program (AMP) allows a student to begin accumulating credits towards completion of a UNCG master's degree while still enrolled as an undergraduate. Successful undergraduate applicants are given an early decision on their graduate application pending successful completion of the baccalaureate degree. These graduate-level courses will count towards both the baccalaureate degree and the graduate degree; the grades will be recorded on both transcripts.
Undergraduate students may apply for admission to the AMP after the completion of 60 credit hours with at least 30 of these credits at UNCG. Minimal criteria for admission to any AMP will include a UNCG cumulative undergraduate GPA of at least 3.5.
The student must apply for admission to the AMP through the Graduate School. To ensure a timely decision and access to course enrollment, students must apply for admission to an Accelerated Master’s Program by July 1 for Fall AMP course enrollment, November 15 for Spring enrollment, and April 1 for Summer enrollment.
International students who are admitted into an Accelerated Master’s Program should work with the Graduate School and the Global Engagement Office to apply for a visa extension.
A student enrolled in an AMP program is prohibited from Dual Bachelor’s-Master’s Registration.
All AMP students are considered to be undergraduate students until the conferral of the baccalaureate degree, which requires an application to graduate from the baccalaureate program. No more than 12 graduate-level credit hours taken as an undergraduate may be applied toward both the undergraduate degree and the graduate degree. To be able to apply these credits towards the graduate degree, students must achieve grades of B or higher in the AMP courses.
Students who do not wish to enroll in a UNCG graduate program may register for graduate-level courses if they have no more than twelve (12) credit hours remaining to fulfill the requirements of their bachelor’s degree program. Students must apply for admission to a graduate program before requests for dual registration can be approved, but they do not have to be formally admitted until the end of the semester in which credit is earned. For dual registration status, the approvals of the Graduate School, the University Registrar’s Office, the Graduate Program Director in the appropriate graduate program(s), and the student’s undergraduate major adviser are required.
Total graduate credit obtained in this dual status may not exceed 12 credits. Graduate courses are not applied to the undergraduate degree.
A student enrolled in Dual Bachelor’s Master’s Registration may not be concurrently enrolled in and AMP program.
Faculty at UNCG may not pursue a graduate degree or certificate in their home department or degree-offering unit. For exceptions, the unit dean may petition the Dean of the Graduate School.