Do you little learners have a little trouble distinguishing between needs and wants? That’s why I created this Wants vs Needs Learning Pack! It’s great for any time of year, but especially before Christmas!
This Reading Mama" width="650" height="843" />
*This post contains affiliate links.
**The free printable link can be found towards the END of this post. Just click on the teal, download button!
You may or may not want to know the reason this pack popped in my head, but I’m going to tell you anyway! 🙂 It all started with a song I absolutely LOATHE this time of year Santa, Baby>. I quickly turn it off if it ever comes on. The other day, it came on the radio as my alarm clock.
On a serious note, understanding the difference between needs and wants is truly a life-long journey. And it can start with this learning pack!
To model the concept to learners, I’ve included large picture cards that can be sorted in a pocket chart
or on a table top / floor area.
Two of the pictures included in the sort make for a GREAT discussion – sun and love. Can you truly live and thrive without either? Feel free to include them or exclude them from your activities.
There is also a single page where learners cut, sort, and paste the objects.
Yes, I included a hippo! If you’re using this pack around Christmas, this can also be a fun time to introduce the song I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.
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As an extension activity, I’ve included two writing pages. On the top of the page, learners draw something they need and at the bottom, they write about their drawing. I like that this activity takes learners beyond the basics of what to why.