H.R. 1418 (117 th ): Family Friendly Schools Act

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The summary below was written by the Congressional Research Service, which is a nonpartisan division of the Library of Congress, and was published on Apr 12, 2021.

Family Friendly Schools Act

This bill establishes a pilot program to implement policies at elementary schools that align the school day with the work day. It also establishes a grant program as a supplement to the 21st Century Community Learning Centers program to support programs and activities during summer recess.

Specifically, the bill directs the Department of Education (ED) to award five-year grants to local educational agencies for establishing policies at 500 elementary schools that align the school day with the work day. ED must report to Congress at the three-year mark and at the conclusion of the five-year grant period on best practices and recommendations for aligning school and work schedules, and for strengthening partnerships between schools and community resources.

In addition, the bill requires ED to carry out a supplemental grant program to establish or expand community learning center summer programs.

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