Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

Introduction to Emergency Medical services as a career. The course will describe roles and responsibilities, career and advancement possibilities. The course will also highlight the required skills in; math, reading and studying. Also highlighted is basic anatomy and medical terminology.

Total Contact Hrs: 16.00 Lecture Hrs: 16.00 EMS1059C EMERGENCY MEDICAL RESPONDER (3.00 Credits)

The Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) training follows the National EMS Education Standards. Emergency Medical Responders provide immediate lifesaving care to critical patients who access the emergency medical services system. EMRs have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide immediate lifesaving interventions while awaiting additional EMS resources to arrive. Under medical oversight, Emergency Medical Responders perform basic interventions with minimal equipment. This course covers the core information, skills, and attitudes needed to function in the capacity of a first responder. The student attends both classroom lectures & the EMS Skills Lab to demonstrate, practice, and verify competency in basic EMS skills.

Total Contact Hrs: 56.00 Lecture Hrs: 40.00 Lab Hrs: 16.00 EMS1119 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN BASIC (6.00 Credits)

This course is designed to prepare the basic emergency medical technician in accord with U.S. Dept. of Transportation curriculum and Florida State EMS guidelines includes an introductory survey of emergency medical services including medical legal/ethical aspects, role of the EMT, patient assessment, care of wounds and fractures, airway maintenance, medical and environmental emergencies, patient transportation, emergency, childbirth, basic extrication.

Total Contact Hrs: 96.00 Lecture Hrs: 96.00 EMS1119L EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN SKILLS LABORATORY (1.00 Credits)

Lab practice and testing of basic emergency medical technician skills included in the Department of Transportation EMT ambulance curriculum and Florida State EMS guidelines. Skills include CPR at AHA basic rescuer level, patient assessment, triage, airway maintenance, bandaging, splinting, mast suit application, and basic extrication.

Total Contact Hrs: 32.00 Lab Hrs: 32.00 Fees: LABORATORY FEE $29.00 EMS1411 EMT HOSPITAL CLINICAL (2.00 Credits)

Practical application of (EMT), emergency medical technician clinical knowledge and skills under professional supervision in the Hospital setting. Course emphasizes the development of student skill in recognition of signs and symptoms of illness and injuries and in the proper procedures of emergency care.


Practical application of EMT emergency medical technician clinical knowledge and skills under the professional supervision in the prehospital or field setting. Provides for observation and patient care experiences in EMS rescue vehicles. Course emphasizes the development of student skill in recognition of signs & symptoms of illness and injures and in the proper procedures of emergency care.

Total Contact Hrs: 80.00 Clinical Hrs: 80.00 Fees: EDU/ACCIDENT INSURANCE $4.75, LIABILITY INSURANCE $8.15 EMS2010 PARAMEDIC 1 A&P, ASSESS, PATHO, PHARM (4.00 Credits)

This course follows the National EMS Education Standard Competencies covering: (1) Anatomy & Physiology, (2) Pathophysiology, (3) Life Span Development, (4) Patient Assessment, (5) Critical Thinking and Clinical Decision Making, and (6) Principles of Pharmacology.

Total Contact Hrs: 64.00 Lecture Hrs: 64.00 EMS2201 PARAMEDIC 1 HOSPITAL CLINICAL (1.00 Credits)

This is the first Hospital Clinical for Paramedic 1 students. The emphasis will be to review basic EMT skills, and improve Patient Assessment skills and documentation. Invasive Medication Administration skills listed in P1 Lab (EMS2631L) may be performed on a case-by-case basis as patient contact allows the performance of such skills. Topics include: (1) Patient Assessment, (2) Workforce Safety & Wellness, (3) Documentation, (4) Cardiology, (5) Medication Administration skills on a case-by-case basis.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00 Lecture Hrs: 8.00 Clinical Hrs: 40.00 EMS2311 EMT LEADERSHIP (1.00 Credits)

Introduces the student to professional issues in EMS through special projects. Prerequisite: EMT and paramedic certificate courses.

Total Contact Hrs: 16.00 Lecture Hrs: 16.00 EMS2631 PARAMEDIC PREP 1 (4.00 Credits)

This course follows the National EMS Education Standard Competencies covering: (1) EMS Systems, (2) Workforce Safety & Wellness, (3) Public Health, (4) Medical, Legal, Ethical Issues, (5) Communications, (6) Documentation, (7) Medical Terminology, (8) Medication Administration, (9) Transport Operations, and (10) Career Development.

Total Contact Hrs: 64.00 Lecture Hrs: 64.00 EMS2631L PARAMEDIC SCIENCE I LAB (2.00 Credits)

This 4-hour Lab (EMS2631L) supports the psychomotor skills associated with the lecture content from the Paramedic 1 Lectures, EMS2010, and EMS2631. It also reviews EMT skills, and introduces EMS equipment used throughout all levels of Paramedic training. Topics include: (1) Patient Assessment, (2) Medication Administration, (3) Workforce Safety and Wellness, (4) Documentation, (5) Transport Operations, and (6) Cardiac monitor-defibrillator check-out basic EKG electrodes placement, 12-Lead EKG electrode placement, and Defib/Synch/Pace Patch placement. patch placement for the skills of Defib/Synch/Pace . Scenario training as Team Leader is also incorporated into this Lab.

Total Contact Hrs: 64.00 Lab Hrs: 64.00 Fees: LABORATORY FEE $72.00 EMS2632 PARAMEDIC 2 SCIENCE (4.00 Credits)

This course follows the National EMS Education Standard Competencies utilizing the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) 8th Edition, covering: (1) Airway Management, (2) Respiratory Emergencies, (3) Gynecology, (4) Obstetrics, (5) Neonatal Care, (6) Infectious Diseases, (7) Toxicology, and (8) Patients with Special Challenges.

Total Contact Hrs: 64.00 Lecture Hrs: 64.00 EMS2632L PARAMEDIC 2 LAB (2.00 Credits)

The Paramedic 2 Lab (EMS2632L) consists of skills associated with the Paramedic 2 lectures (EMS2632 and EMS2633), and builds upon prior knowledge and skills from previous levels of EMS training. Skills considered "review" may be evaluated and signed off in an associated P2 Lab or Clinical Seminar. Topics Include: (1) Airway, (2) Respiratory, (3) Obstetrics, (4) Neonatal Care , (5) Patients with Special Challenges, (6) Cardiology, (7) Responding to the Field Code, (8) Management and Resuscitation of the Critical Patient, (9) Infectious Diseases, and (10) Toxicology. Topics (11) Patient Assessment, and (12) Documentation are on-going skills that are constantly being evaluated and improved. Scenario Team leadership is also demonstrated during lab activities per accreditation requirements.

Total Contact Hrs: 64.00 Lab Hrs: 64.00 Fees: LABORATORY FEE $72.00 EMS2633 PARAMEDIC 2 CARDIOLOGY (4.00 Credits)

This course follows the Nation EMS Education Standard Competencies covering: (1) Cardiology, (2) Associated Materials from independent textbooks supporting Basic EKGs, 12-Lead EKGs, and Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), (3) Responding to the Field Code, and (4) Management and Resuscitation of the Critical Patient.

Total Contact Hrs: 64.00 Lecture Hrs: 64.00 EMS2634 PARAMEDIC 3 - TRAUMA (4.00 Credits)

This course follows the Nation EMS Education Standard Competencies covering: (1)Trauma Systems & Mechanism of injury, (2) Bleeding, (3) Soft Tissue Trauma, (4) Burns, (5) Face & Neck Trauma, (6) Head & Spine Trauma, (7) Chest Trauma, (8) Abdominal & Genitourinary Trauma, (9) Orthopedic Trauma, (10) Environmental Emergencies, (11) Incident Management & Mass Casualty Incidents, (12) Vehicle Extrication and Special Rescue, (13) Hazardous Materials.

Total Contact Hrs: 64.00 Lecture Hrs: 64.00 EMS2634L PARAMEDIC SCIENCE III - TRAUMA LAB (2.00 Credits)

Paramedic 3 Lab contains skills associated with content from the Paramedic 3 Lecture, EMS2634 and EMS2635, plus any prior EMS training. Topics include: (1) Bleeding, (2) Soft Tissue Injury, (3) Burns, (4) Face & Neck Trauma, (5) Head & Spine Trauma, (6) Chest Trauma, (7) Abdominal & Genitourinary Trauma, (8) Orthopedic Trauma, (9) Environmental Emergencies, (10) Incident Management & Mass Casualty Situations, (11) Neurological Emergencies, (12) Abdominal & Gastrointestinal Emergencies, (13) Endocrine Emergencies, (14) Immunological Emergencies, (15) Psychiatric Emergencies, (16) Terrorism Response, and (17) Pediatrics. The topic of (18) Patient Assessment is continuous throughout the program. Scenario training as Team Leader is also incorporated into this Lab.

Total Contact Hrs: 64.00 Lab Hrs: 64.00 Fees: LABORATORY FEE $72.00 EMS2635 PARAMEDIC 3 - MEDICAL (4.00 Credits)

This course follows the Nation EMS Education Standard Competencies covering: (1) Neurological Emergencies, (2) Diseases of the Ears, Eyes, Nose & Throat, (3) Abdominal & Gastrointestinal Emergencies, (4) Genitourinary & Renal Emergencies, (5) Endocrine Emergencies, (6) Hematological Emergencies, (7) Immunological Emergencies, (8) Pediatrics, (9) Geriatrics, (10) Psychiatric Emergencies, (11) Terrorism Response, (12) Disaster Response, (13) Crime Scene Awareness.

Total Contact Hrs: 64.00 Lecture Hrs: 64.00 EMS2636 PARAMEDIC 4 SCIENCE (3.00 Credits)

P4 Science integrates assessment findings with principles of epidemiology and pathophysiology to formulate a field impression and implement a comprehensive treatment/disposition plan for a patient with an Obstetric, Neonate, Pediatric, Geriatric, Special Challenges Emergency. Topics also include: Transport Operations, Incident Management & Mass Casualty Situations, Vehicle Rescue and Special Rescue, Hazardous Materials, Terrorism, Disaster Response and Crime Scene Awareness. In addition, basic math computation and drug knowledge for medication administration are continued throughout Paramedic education. Course content includes current National EMS Education Standard Competencies.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00 Lecture Hrs: 48.00 EMS2636L PARAMEDIC SCIENCE IV LAB. (2.00 Credits)

Final skills lab dealing with scenarios covering all aspect of the curriculum. Demonstration of skill competencies for Certification in ACLS, PEPP, 12 Lead ECG, Support, Emergency Management of Acute Stroke, and Traumatic Brain Injury required.

Total Contact Hrs: 48.00 Lab Hrs: 48.00 EMS2641 PARAMEDIC II HOSPITAL CLINICAL (2.00 Credits)

Second of three hospital clinical sessions focused at the Paramedic 2 level, stressing Advanced Life Support (ASL) skills for the paramedic student. Provides for directed supervised experiences in local hospitals. Topics include: (1) Airway, (2) Respiratory, (3) Patients with Special Challenges, (4) Cardiology, (5) Responding to the Field Code, (6) Management & Resuscitation of the Critical Patient, (7) Toxicology. Skills involving (8) Patient Assessment, and (9) Documentation (paper and electronic) are constantly being evaluated and improved. Skills from prior EMS training can be performed on a case-by-case basis depending on patient contact opportunities. 48 hours for Clinicals, 9 hours for coordination of clinical experience, and 15 hours allocated for Basic Skill Competencies. Total hours 72.

Total Contact Hrs: 72.00 Lecture Hrs: 15.00 Clinical Hrs: 48.00 Other Hrs: 9.00 Fees: EDU/ACCIDENT INSURANCE $4.75, LIABILITY INSURANCE $8.15 EMS2642 PARAMEDIC 3 - HOSPITAL CLINICAL (2.00 Credits)

Third of three hospital courses continuing to practice previously learned skills in a Hospital setting. Provides for directed supervised experiences in local hospitals. Topics include: (1) Bleeding, (2) Soft Tissue Injury, (3) Burns, (4) Face & Neck Trauma, (5) Head & Spine Trauma, (6) Chest Trauma, (7) Abdominal & Genitourinary Trauma, (8) Orthopedic Trauma, (9) Environmental Emergencies, (10) Neurological Emergencies, (11) Diseases of the Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat, (12) Abdominal & Gastrointestinal Emergencies, (13) Endocrine Emergencies, and (14) Psychiatric Emergencies. Topics of (15) Patient Assessment and (16) Documentation are continuous throughout the program. Additional Clinical time may be needed to achieve these objectives. Clinical hours are 48 (usually six 8-hour shifts), Seminar hours (9 hours) are used to coordinate clinical sessions, and Workshop, 15 hours, covers a review of previously learned skills.

Total Contact Hrs: 72.00 Lecture Hrs: 15.00 Clinical Hrs: 48.00 Other Hrs: 9.00 Fees: EDU/ACCIDENT INSURANCE $4.75, LIABILITY INSURANCE $8.15 EMS2643 PARAMEDIC 4 - HOSPITAL CLINICAL (2.00 Credits)

The last of four hospital courses involving patient care in a variety of emergency and health care agency sites. Clinical experiences with patients of all age groups and medical/traumatic conditions is continued. Data recording of skills competencies on web based computer system is required. Health and Liability Insurance is required.

Total Contact Hrs: 80.00 Clinical Hrs: 80.00 Fees: EDU/ACCIDENT INSURANCE $4.75, LIABILITY INSURANCE $8.15 EMS2650 PARADEMIC I FIELD (1.00 Credits)

First of four courses dealing with application of knowledge and skills in an EMS field rescue environment. Provides for directed, supervised experiences on EMS Advanced Life Support (ALS) vehicles. Activities limited to practice of basic life support skills, assisting as a member of the EMS team, (1) Patient Assessment, (2) Workforce Safety & Wellness, (3) Documentation (paper and electronic), (4) Transport Operations, (5) Cardiology basics, and observation of paramedic level skills/activities. With proper sign-offs in Paramedic 1 Lab, selected (6) Medication Administration skills may be performed on a case-by-case basis depending on patient contact opportunities.

Total Contact Hrs: 56.00 Lecture Hrs: 8.00 Clinical Hrs: 48.00 Fees: EDU/ACCIDENT INSURANCE $4.75, LIABILITY INSURANCE $8.15 EMS2651 PARAMEDIC SCIENCE II FIELD (1.00 Credits)

Second of four field courses that provides continued application of knowledge and skills previously learned for directed, supervised experiences on EMS Advanced Life Support (ALS) vehicles. Topics include: (1) Airway, (2) Respiratory, (3) Patients With Special Challenges, (4) Cardiology, (5) Responding to the Field Code, (6) Management & Resuscitation of the Critical Patient, (7) Infectious Diseases, (8) Toxicology, (9) Patient Assessment (a continuous learning skill), (10) Documentation (a continuous learning skill), and (11) Transport Operations. Additional Seminar Time may be needed to achieve all these objectives. Field Clinical will consist of four (4) 12-hour Field Clinical Rides shirts with affiliated Fire/Rescue/EMS agencies. Field Seminar time (8 hours) will be used to coordinate Field Ride activities. Total hours - 56.

Total Contact Hrs: 56.00 Lecture Hrs: 8.00 Clinical Hrs: 48.00 Fees: EDU/ACCIDENT INSURANCE $4.75, LIABILITY INSURANCE $8.15 EMS2652 PARAMEDIC 3 FIELD CLINICAL (1.00 Credits)

Third of four field courses stressing continuation of prior knowledge and skills practiced in the EMS Field environment. Provides for directed, supervised experiences on Advanced Life Support (ALS) vehicles. Topics include: (1) Bleeding, (2) Soft Tissue Injury, (3) Burns, (4)Face & Neck Trauma, (5) Head & Spine Trauma, (6) Chest Trauma, (7) Environmental Emergencies, (8) Incident Management & Mass Casualty Incidents, (9) Vehicle Extrication & Special Rescue, (10) Hazardous Materials, (11) Neurological Emergencies, (12) Endocrine Emergencies, (13) Immunological Emergencies, and (14) Terrorism Response,(15) Pediatrics, (16) Patient Assessment (a continuous improvement skill), (17) Documentation (a continuous improvement skill), and (18) Transport Operations. Additional Field clinical time may be needed to achieve all objectives. Field clinical rides consist of four 12-hour shifts. Seminar time (8 hours) is used to coordinate the clinical experience.

Total Contact Hrs: 56.00 Lecture Hrs: 8.00 Clinical Hrs: 48.00 Fees: EDU/ACCIDENT INSURANCE $4.75, LIABILITY INSURANCE $8.15 EMS2653 PARAMEDIC 4 CAPSTONE FIELD INTERNSHIP (4.00 Credits)

The Paramedic Field Internship is the Capstone course of the paramedic program. Interns will participate as lead crew members aboard a licensed advanced life support transport vehicle with an assigned preceptor. During their field internship, each student will provide evidence they have achieved entry-level competence. Course consists of thirteen (13) 12-hour field ride shifts (156 hours), Seminar time (8 hours) to plan and coordinate Field rides, and 24 hours of prep for Cognitive and Psychomotor NREMT testing.