Science, technology and innovation (STI) are essential to foster economic, social and environmental development, the three pillars of sustainable development. To support these three pillars, UNESCO assists and mobilises its Member States and partners to create enabling environments that make STI more accessible, transparent, inclusive, and connected to societal needs.
UNESCO offers technical assistance and advice, publishes policy guidance and toolkits, promotes capacity-building and fosters international collaboration for the development and governance of STI, to strengthen national and regional STI systems.
Research and development can foster sustainable development by building greener, more inclusive societies. UNESCO adopts a human rights-based approach to STI, with a focus on gender equality and priority Africa.
UNESCO Recommendation on Open SciencePaving the way to science that is more accessible, transparent, inclusive and equitable
Global Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Instruments(GO-SPIN): Mapping national STI landscapes and policies and comparing best practices worldwide
L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science ProgrammeA pioneering programme for the promotion of women in science
Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development GoalsJoint UN Inter-agency Task Team initiatives
Strengthening science, technology and innovation systems in Africaa UNESCO – SIDA project
Resources for science technology and innovation policy makers and practitionersintercultural and community perspective, driven by Indigenous Youths in Oaxaca, Mexico" width="" height="" />
Access to mental health with an intercultural and community perspective, driven by Indigenous Youths in Oaxaca, Mexico
5 August 2024security with her innovation Earth-IoT" width="" height="" />
Young Mexican woman leads transformation for small and medium farmers and food security with her innovation Earth-IoT